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Chemistry students go to QCC

Mr.Van Deurs took his chemistry class to QCC. It was a trip to help his students learn how chemistry is related to other things such as art. The students at QCC were giving a presentation about how chemistry is relatable and used outside of class.
Mr.Van Deurs took his chemistry class to QCC. It was a trip to help his students learn how chemistry is related to other things such as art. The students at QCC were giving a presentation about how chemistry is relatable and used outside of class.
Mr.Van Deurs took his chemistry class to QCC. It was a trip to help his students learn how chemistry is related to other things such as art. The students at QCC were giving a presentation about how chemistry is relatable and used outside of class.
Mr.Van Deurs took his chemistry class to QCC. It was a trip to help his students learn how chemistry is related to other things such as art. The students at QCC were giving a presentation about how chemistry is relatable and used outside of class. Photo by Yealin Lee.

by Alicia Massey, staff reporter

Mr. Van Deurs took his chemistry students on a trip to Queens Community College (QCC), where QCC Chemistry and Arts students were giving presentations on how chemistry is related to art.

Chemistry students attended this trip on May 5th after they had covered these topics in class.

“The professors were really nice and the experiment was really cool and different from what we would do,” sophomore Julia Maldonado said.

Students watched the presentations and then performed an experiment. In this experiment the students had to decipher whether or not a red liquid was blood by using a chemical Luminol.

“I think the students had a good time. At some points they knew more than QCC students. At other times they were actually learning very interesting things from them,” Chemistry teacher Mr. Van Deurs said.

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